Publications : Plant Biology

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Role of substrate recognition in modulating strigolactone receptor selectivity in witchweed

Journal of Biological Chemistry, Volume 297, Issue 4, Article 101092, 2021.
Chen, Jiming and White, Alexandra and Nelson, David E. and Shukla, Diwakar
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How antiporters exchange substrates across the cell membrane? An atomic-level description of the complete exchange cycle in NarK

Structure, Volume 29, Issue 8, Pages 922-933.e3, 2021.
Feng, Jiangyan and Selvam, Balaji and Shukla, Diwakar
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Impact of increased membrane realism on conformational sampling of proteins

Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, Vol. 17, Issue 8, Pages 342–5357, 2021
Weigle, Austin T. and Carr, Matthew and Shukla, Diwakar
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Structural Basis for Negative Regulation of ABA Signaling by ROP11 GTPase

bioRxiv, 2020
Zhao, Chuankai and Shukla, Diwakar
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How do brassinosteroids activate their receptors?

bioRxiv: 630640, 2020
Moffett, Alexander S and Shukla, Diwakar
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Structural consequences of multisite phosphorylation in the BAK1 kinase domain

Biophysical journal, 118(3): 698-707, 2020
Moffett, Alexander S and Shukla, Diwakar
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Computational microscopy: Revealing molecular mechanisms in plants using molecular dynamics simulations

The Plant Cell, 31(12): tpc.119.tt1219, 2019
Feng, Jiangyan and Chen, Jiming and Selvam, Balaji and Shukla, Diwakar
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Molecular Mechanism of Brassinosteroid Perception by the Plant Growth Receptor BRI1

The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 124(2): 355-365, 2019
Faisal Aldukhi and Aniket Deb and Chuankai Zhao and Alexander S. Moffett and Diwakar Shukla
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Dewetting Controls Plant Hormone Perception and Initiation of Drought Resistance Signaling

Structure, 27(4): 692-702, 2019
Shukla, Saurabh and Zhao, Chuankai and Shukla, Diwakar
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Molecular Basis of the Glucose Transport Mechanism in Plants

ACS Central Science, 5(6): 1085-1096, 2019
Balaji Selvam and Ya-Chi Yu and Li-Qing Chen and Diwakar Shukla