2016 NEWS Archive

December 2016: Graduate Student Kevin Cheng joins our lab. Welcome Kevin!

November 2016: Prof. Shukla gave a talk at AIChE meeting in San Francisco.

July 2016: Graduate Student Alex Moffet gives a talk at Blue Waters Symposium at Sunriver resort, Oregon.

June 2016: Prof. Shukla features in the list of excellent teachers selected by students for teaching ChBE523, Graduate course on Heat and Mass Transfer.

May 2016: Graduate Student Zahra Shamsi selected for the Widiger Fellowship from the department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering. Congratulations Zahra!

April 2016: Undergraduate researcher Moeen Meigooni selected for the Illinois Scholars Undergraduate Research Program. Congratulations Moeen!

March 2016: Undergraduate student Zeynep Ali got admission offers from many top graduate programs in Chemical Engineering and Bioengineering. She will be joining the joint Bioengineering program of UCSF and Berkeley in Fall. Congratulations, Zeynep!

March 2016: Prof. Shukla gave an invited lecture on the “Protein Conformational Networks” in the IB502 Biological Networks Course taught by Prof. Amy Marshall-Colon.

March 2016: Prof. Shukla gave a talk in the Molecular Mechanics session at the ACS Annual Meeting, San Diego on “Mechanistic insights into the activation mechanism of cellular signaling proteins”.

January 2016: Prof. Shukla gave a talk in the “Physiology and Molecular Plant Biology” Seminar Series in the Department of Plant Biology and Crop Sciences at UIUC.