2019 NEWS Archive

December 2019: Prof. Shukla is selected as the CAS fellow by the Center for Advance Study at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Read the news here!

October 2019: Prof. Shukla gave an invited talk at the Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering at Lehigh University.

October 2019: Prateek Bansal (First year ChBE student) joined our research group! Welcome Prateek!

August 2019:  Zahra Shamsi defended her thesis on “Evolution of Protein Structure and Function” and she is headed to Google for her next position. Congratulations Dr. Shamsi !

July 2019:  Prof. Shukla and Matthew Chan participated in the summer school on rare events organized at Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore and taught one day course on Markov State Models !

June 2019:  Congratulations to Matthew Chan for being included in the List of Excellent TA’s for teaching ChBE 221 in Spring 2019!

June 2019: Shriyaa Mittal is included in the List of Excellent Teachers for her work as a Teaching Assistant in Spring 2019. Congratulations!

June 2019:  Prof. Shukla receives the Excellence in Teaching Award from the School of Chemical Sciences. Read the news here.

June 2019:  Aniket Deb from Jadavpur University joined our group for summer internship as the Khorana Scholar supported by the Indo-US Science & Technology Forum!

May 2019: Alexander S. Moffett successfully defended his thesis on “Computational investigation of early events in plant growth signaling”. Congratulations!

April 2019: Chuankai Zhao received the Outstanding Student Research Award at the GLCACS 23rd Annual Conference 2019. Congratulations!

April 2019: Chuankai Zhao and Balaji Selvam received the first and third prize respectively for their poster presentation at the Science & Spirits poster competition organized by Department of Plant Biology and Crop Sciences. Congratulations!

March 2019: Prof. Shukla gave two invited talks at the ACS Spring meeting in Orlando highlighting our research on membrane transporters and plant hormone receptors!

January 2019: Soumajit Dutta passed the Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering PhD qualifying exam with flying colors! Congratulations Soumajit!