2014 NEWS Archive

Dec 2014:  Biophysics graduate student Alexander Moffett joins the group. Welcome Alex !

Dec 2014:  Paper on “Automatic Order Parameters Selection In Markov State Models for Atomistic Understanding of Molecular Dynamics Data” by Sultan et al. accepted for publication in Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation. 

Nov 2014: Diwakar chairs two sessions on “Molecular Modeling & Simulations of Complex Molecules” in AIChE meeting at Atlanta. He also gave a talk on “Elucidating Activation Mechanisms of Key Signaling Protein for Selective Drug Design”.

April 2014: Diwakar will join Department of Chemical and Biomolecular EngineeringUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in January 2015.

January 2014: Our work highlighted on Nature Chemistry Cover Jan 2014.

Cover of Nature Chemistry Jan 2014 issue can be found here. The paper is also accompanied by a commentary by X. Deupi on the paper on activation of G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) in Nature Chemistry. Read Molecular dynamics: A stitch in time. X. Deupi. Nature Chemistry (2013) doi:10.1038/nchem.1832