Updates from Shukla Group

Category: Seminar

2021 News Archive

December 2021: Tanner J. Dean, first year Biophysics student joined our group! He did undergraduate degree in Biochemistry from Virigina Tech. Welcome Tanner! December 2021: Dr. Rabindranath (Rabi) Paul joined our group as a postdoctoral fellow. He completed PhD in Chemistry from Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati. Welcome Rabi! October 2021: Song Yin, first year ChBE student joined […]

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2019 NEWS Archive

December 2019: Prof. Shukla is selected as the CAS fellow by the Center for Advance Study at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Read the news here! October 2019: Prof. Shukla gave an invited talk at the Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering at Lehigh University. October 2019: Prateek Bansal (First year ChBE student) joined our research group! Welcome Prateek! […]

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2018 NEWS Archive

November 2018: Prof. Shukla received the NSF Early Career Award from the Division of Molecular & Cellular Biosciences at National Science Foundation! Read the news here. October 2018: Jiangyan Feng won the first prize in the ChBE graduate student research symposium. Congratulations Jiangyan! October 2018: Chuankai Zhao received the Hanratty travel award from Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering department to […]

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2017 NEWS Archive

December 2017: Our group received the “New Innovator award in Food and Agriculture Research” from the Foundation for food and agriculture research! December 2017: Check out the news article about our research paper on regulation of plant kinases, “Researchers harness the power of a supercomputer to better understand plant enzymes“. November 2017: Zahra Shamsi and Prof. Shukla presented […]

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2016 NEWS Archive

December 2016: Graduate Student Kevin Cheng joins our lab. Welcome Kevin! November 2016: Prof. Shukla gave a talk at AIChE meeting in San Francisco. July 2016: Graduate Student Alex Moffet gives a talk at Blue Waters Symposium at Sunriver resort, Oregon. June 2016: Prof. Shukla features in the list of excellent teachers selected by students for teaching ChBE523, Graduate course on […]

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2015 NEWS Archive

October 2015: Our group visited Booker T. Washington STEM Academy in Champaign to teach kids about protein structure and function. For more information about this exciting activity, read our blog post here. October 2015: First year ChBE graduate student Chuankai “Kyle” Zhao joins our group. Welcome Kyle! July 2015: Diwakar gave an invited talk on Brassinosteroid signaling in plants at […]

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