Thirty years of molecular dynamics simulations on post-translational modifications of proteins
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Volume 24, Pages 26371-26397, 2022.
Austin T Weigle, Jiangyan Feng and Diwakar Shukla*
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Multiagent Reinforcement Learning-Based Adaptive Sampling for Conformational Dynamics of Proteins
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, Volume 18, Issue 9, Pages 5422-5434, 2022.
Diego E. Kleiman and Diwakar Shukla*
Publisher's website
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Active Learning of the Conformational Ensemble of Proteins using Maximum Entropy VAMPNets
bioRxiv, doi:10.1101/2023.01.12.523801
Diego E Kleiman and Diwakar Shukla
Publisher's website
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Reconciling Membrane Protein Simulations with Experimental DEER Spectroscopy Data
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, In press, 2023.
Mittal, Shriyaa and Shukla, Diwakar
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Predicting the Activities of Drug Excipients on Biological Targets using One-Shot Learning
Journal of Physical Chemistry B, Volume 126, Issue 7, Pages 1492–1503, 2022.
Xuenan Mi and Diwakar Shukla
Publisher's website
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Markov state modeling of membrane transport proteins.
Journal of Structural Biology, Volume 213, Issue 4, Article 107800, 2021.
Matthew C. Chan and Diwakar Shukla
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Impact of increased membrane realism on conformational sampling of proteins
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, Vol. 17, Issue 8, Pages 342–5357, 2021
Weigle, Austin T. and Carr, Matthew and Shukla, Diwakar
Publisher's website
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Structural Basis for Negative Regulation of ABA Signaling by ROP11 GTPase
TLmutation: Predicting the Effects of Mutations Using Transfer Learning
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 124(19): 3845-3854, 2020
Shamsi, Zahra and Chan, Matthew and Shukla, Diwakar
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